Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ASC/WASC)
WASC is an American-based accreditation agency that bestows accreditation to schools that demonstrate a commitment to student-centered education and a strong commitment to ongoing school improvement.
Achievement of our full six-year WASC accreditation status in 2023 is a statement to our community of our dedication to quality education and our trustworthiness.
The Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA)
The Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) is a public organization that is responsible for developing the criteria for quality assurance of education institutions in Thailand. Assessments are made every five years.
NIVA has full ONESCA accreditation status.

The Ministry of Education (MOE)
The Ministry of Education (MOE) is a governmental organization responsible for overseeing education in Thailand.
NIVA is committed to following all MOE guidelines and protocols.

The Office of Private Education Commission (OPEC)
The Office of the Private Education Commission’s (OPEC) vision is that “Thai education will be recognized as a global standard.”

East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS)
EARCOS is an organization that supports schools through professional development and research. It's over 200 members benefit from networking, conferences, and access to innovative educational practices.
As a member of EARCOS, NIVA is dedicated to enhancing our services to maximize the benefits for each and every student.
International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT)
The International Schools Association of Thailand (ISAT) was established in 1994 with the aim of being a link between international schools and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Thailand. In addition, ISAT promotes a high standard of education by offering high quality professional development opportunities to member schools.
NIVA has been a member of ISAT since its inception.
College Board/Advanced Placement (AP)
College Board provides college readiness programs, including the Advanced Placement Program (AP) and the SAT, to students.
NIVA is an authorized examination center for both the AP and SAT. We currently offer fifteen AP courses.