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Secondary School

Secondary Division

December 1, 2025

15th Asia Youth International MUN

Eight NIVA students represented the school at the Asia Youth International MUN 15th at Rama Garden Hotel, Bangkok.

Asia youth 1
Asia youth 2
Asia youth 3
Asia youth 4
Asia youth 5
Asia youth 6

Grade 7-8 เล่น เก้าอี้ดนตรี

Grade 9-10 (Boys) เล่น เก้าอี้ดนตรี (part 1)

Grade 9-10 (Boys) เล่น เก้าอี้ดนตรี (part 2)

G12 lab work!

G12 lab work!

G12 lab work 1
G12 lab work 2
G12 lab work 3
G12 lab work 4
G12 lab work 5
G12 lab work 6

Gemma's Choral Performance

November 2, 2024, Gemma participated in a choral performance, paving the way for the Dhammnavawang activities.

group photo
pic with p toon

Gemma's Choral Performance

Power (G12) has been nominated

Power (G12) has been nominated as one of the representatives of Thai junior golfers to participate in Tournament in Shanghai, China, from Nov 11-16, 24.

Power G12 1
Power G12 2
niva-monthly-calendar-updated-December 1, 2025


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